Omvendt nominert sekretær

A Nominee Secretary service is the sale of someone’s else name for duties done by the customer (or an accountant). A Reverse Nominee Secretary service is the opposite of a Nominee Secretary service: it is the sale of a (perceived) involvement in the entity, leaving the name of the customer on public records. Another name for this service isSecretary’s Involvement Nominee“.
The Reverse Nominee Secretary is based on two agreements:

    • one remaining private and secret (unveiling your real involvement) ;
    • the other could be (should be?) public.

If the public agreement is released to a third-party, this third-party will think you are acting as a nominee secretary for us.

Omfanget av tjenesten

Sørg for å ha lest vår Retningslinjer.

Hva får jeg for den oppgitte prisen?

  • Reverse Nominee Secretary’s name
  • Reverse Nominee Secretary’s address
  • Reverse Nominee Secretary’s signature on any document provided by you (porto Avgifter Søk etter 1.)
  • Dokumenter sendes med luftpost, På annen måte forespurt av deg
  • Any notification of postal mail sent to the Reverse Nominee Secretary (porto eller skanning Avgifter bruke)

Dokumenter levert

    • Reverse Nominee Secretary Agreement
    • Nominee Secretary Agreement
    • Avtale om erstatning
    • Blankt oppsigelsesbrev

På forespørsel, Vanligvis ikke nødvendig:

  • kopi av ID1 of the reverse nominee secretary (Formål nødvendig)

Trinn & Tid

    • Når betalingen er akseptert, we send you a commercial agreement by email2 (1 day)
    • You sign the agreement
    • [Optional] You send to us all the documents you want your nominee to sign (1 day)
    • [Optional] A blank the letter of resignation is sent to you by email or post.3 (1 day)

Estimert behandlingstid: 1 day (depending on how fast you follow-up).

Hvorfor trenger jeg denne tjenesten?

Sjekk vår Opplæringen For eksempler på bruk.


Sjekk vår Avgifter side.


Du må være forhåndsgodkjent, vennligst bruk denne spørreskjema å fortsette, 3 minutter som kreves.


  1. copy of passport if individual secretary, copy of certificate of incorporation if company secretary
    hvis attestert og/eller apostillert, Tilleggsgebyrer påløper
  2. This commercial agreement will need to be signed electronically
  3. postal fee applies